Questions asked in IPPB Exam -7th January 2017

Dear Readers, we are providing preliminary exam Questions asked in IPPB Exam -7th January 2017 based on students feedback.


Reasoning Questions asked in IPPB shift-1

Puzzle 1 -CIRCULAR BASED PUZZLE::--A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table at equal distances between each other, but not necessarily in the same order.
B faces outside. D sits second to the left of B. A and F are immediate neighbours of D. H sits second to the right of A. C sits third to the left of H. E sits to the immediate right of G. D sits third to the left of E. D faces the same direction as H. F sits to the immediate right of C. F and G take same directions.

PUZZLE 2:- FLOOR BASEDEight people D,E,F,O,P,Q,R,S lives on 8 different floors .. the lowermost is numbered 1 and the topmost is numbered 8. Q lives on an odd numbered floor but not on floor 1.. P lives immediately above Q but not on the topmost floor..There are 3 people's between P and R the no. Of people below P is equal to the no. Of people above D. Two persons live between E and P and E lives immediately below R.. F lives immediately above O..

PUZZLE 3 ::--- PARALLEL SEATING ARRANGEMENTTen people are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people. In row-1 A, B, C, D and E are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row-2 J, K, L, M and N are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south.
B sits third to left of A. The one who faces B sits second to right of J. Only one person sits between J and M. One of the immediate neighbours of J faces C. K and L are immediate neighbours of each other. L does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. One of the immediate neighbours of A faces M. M does not face E.

Quant Questions asked in  IPPB Exam Shift-1

Number Series
1) 180 191 193 203 206 215 ?
2) 418 208 102 48 ? 5
3) 153 155 160 170 187 ?
4) 3, 1.5 ,1.5 ,3 ,12 ,_
5) 3, 4, 9, 28, ?

Ans: 219, 20, 213, 96, 113

Q. Anamika’s is 32 years old. If Mridul’s age is 16% greater than that of Anamika then how much percent Anamika’s age is less than Mridul’s age?

Q. Omkar and Ritu can together finish a work in 36 days. They worked together for 4 days and then Omkar left for another job. After another 8 days, Ritu finished the remaining work. In how many days Ritu alone can finish the work?

Q. Two trains of similar lengths take 20 seconds and 45 seconds respectively to cross a phone post. If the length of each train be 165 metres, in what timewill they cross each other travelling in opposite direction?

Soon More Questions will be Updated. Stay on this Page.

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